Red Bouquet Mobile
28 inches across, 32 inches tall
Aluminum shapes and stainless steel rods. Powder coated in red. Freely moving linkagas. Hanging line and ceiling hook are included. Great size for a gift.
Customers say:
“I love watching it rotate and move at the links in our bedroom. It’s interesting to see it move into different formations, then come back again. We got it in matte black and we love it.”
Any MODmobiles product can be custom built in any size or color. Contact us to discuss a custom design.
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Free US shipping, ships in 2-3 days
28 inches across, 32 inches tall
Aluminum shapes and stainless steel rods. Powder coated in red. Freely moving linkagas. Hanging line and ceiling hook are included. Great size for a gift.
Customers say:
“I love watching it rotate and move at the links in our bedroom. It’s interesting to see it move into different formations, then come back again. We got it in matte black and we love it.”
Any MODmobiles product can be custom built in any size or color. Contact us to discuss a custom design.
Visa - Mastercard - Discover - American Express - Paypal
Free US shipping, ships in 2-3 days
28 inches across, 32 inches tall
Aluminum shapes and stainless steel rods. Powder coated in red. Freely moving linkagas. Hanging line and ceiling hook are included. Great size for a gift.
Customers say:
“I love watching it rotate and move at the links in our bedroom. It’s interesting to see it move into different formations, then come back again. We got it in matte black and we love it.”
Any MODmobiles product can be custom built in any size or color. Contact us to discuss a custom design.
Visa - Mastercard - Discover - American Express - Paypal
Free US shipping, ships in 2-3 days